"Rainbow Days" | Challenge: personal | 2019

"Cloudy Days" | Challenge: personal | 2019

"Icy Days" | Challenge: personal | 2019

"Summery Days" | Challenge: personal | 2019

"Moonlit Nights" | Challenge: personal | 2019

"Spring Days" | Challenge: personal | 2020

"Dandelion Days" | Challenge: personal | 2020

"Firefly Nights" | Challenge: personal | 2020

"Aurora Nights" | Challenge: personal | 2019

Night and Day Lettering Series II
2018-21 | personal (continuing project)
A little more than three years ago, I started doing more personal lettering as well as Instagram challenges to motivate myself in exploring different techniques and styles to help improve and grow my skills as a Graphic Designer. As a designer, I don’t get to be nearly as creative in my work, so this is a great outlet to be myself. I am finding that doing things my way is allowing me to be more imaginative and so much more fun! In one of the challenges I did back in 2018, we were to pick a word or words that described our moments of joy. My moments of joy are "Rainy Days" due to the sounds, the earthy smell, the overcast sky, just everything about it I loved. I started experimenting in Illustrator using shapes and gradients mixed with my lettering to depict those little moments and the end result was a happy surprise that came together so well. I decided to continue this challenge by turning it into my "Night and Day Lettering Series". My goal is to do 100 pieces based off of either nature or weather or some form of activity using colors and elements to depict each of those occasions in time.
Instagram: @katrina_sutton
All Lettering Designs are custom-made and created in Adobe Illustrator using the Pen Tool.