Juuva Products & Accessories
2013-16  |  client (Juuva)

Based in the US, Philippines, Nigeria and Taiwan, Juuva maintains a vision for global prosperity, health, wealth, and wellness and the home of extraordinarily beneficial products. I began redesigning their products in 2013, first with Live and then with Rejuv, Galaxy, Energy Cup, Cation Shield and Vibrim. As each year went by, the product list grew and I got to design others such as the Energy Pitcher, Biointense, and Anion Emitter. This year, they introduced a new product to their line called Trusilvr and through a trying design process, it was finalized and produced. After 3 years or so, I decided it was time to add them to my portfolio and thought a great way of presenting them was by photographing (what images I didn't have), mocking up, and laying them out in a product brochure for the welcome kit (starter pack) I designed last year. 

1. Rejuv: Designed by Katrina Sutton   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Ash Ram  |  Fonts: Custom Logo, Novecento, Alright Sans  |  PMS Colors: 206, Hexachrome Orange, 877  2. Live: Designed by Katrina Sutton  |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Ash Ram  |  Fonts: Custom Logo, Novecento, Alright Sans  |  PMS Colors: Hexachrome Orange, 877  3. Energy Pitcher: Designed by Katrina Sutton   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: Avant Garde, Vitesse Sans, Source Sans Pro  |  PMS Colors: 877  4. Allwater: Designed by Mindy Draper   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Ash Ram  |  Fonts: Avant Garde, Vitesse Sans, Source Sans Pro  |  PMS Colors: 877  5. Energy Cup: Designed by Katrina Sutton   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Ash Ram  |  Fonts: Gotham  6. Cation Shield: Original Designed by Katrina Sutton & Redesigned by Chelsea Hoskins   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: Sanchez   7. Anion Emitter: Designed by Katrina Sutton   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: Custom Logo, Museo  |  PMS Colors: 877  8. Vibrim: Designed by Katrina Sutton   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: Bariol, Sanchez, Source Sans Pro  9. Galaxy: Designed by Katrina Sutton (design not used)  |  Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: Custom Logo, Adobe Caslon, Alright Sans   |  PMS Colors: 206, 877  10. Biointense: Designed by Katrina Sutton & Ash Ram   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: Berenis ADF Pro  |  PMS Colors: 877  11.Trusilvr: Designed by Katrina Sutton & Ash Ram   |   Mockup by Katrina Sutton  |  Photographed by Katrina Sutton  |  Fonts: CastIron Condensed, Source Sans Pro  |  PMS Colors: 877, 2133  12. Welcome Kit & Brochure: Designed by Katrina Sutton  |  Mockup by Katrina Sutton  13. Accessories: Credit Card, Passport, Card, Coasters & Pin Set: Designed by Katrina Sutton  |  Mockup by Katrina Sutton  14. Other Credits: Juuva Logo by Zach Ludlow  |  Weapon Agency

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