Nutravolt Energy
2016 | client
Nutravolt Energy is directed at consumers that are looking for a product that they take on-the-go for a burst of energy when needed. The key points of the product is that it is all about being Natural, Sustainable, and giving the user Energy by using natural ingredients. Before diving into putting the design and info together that they wanted on the label, I first had to create the logo and look of the branding. The concept was that since nutrition can be found in plants and volts can mean electricity, I went in the direction of designing a lightning bold as a logomark and custom-designed "Nutravolt" so that both worked well together. After the logo was selected, I was able to put together the label for the energy powder for their on-the-go packs. They never gone to print, so I took up the challenge of mocking up the items using what was available out there and putting it all together to show the concept of their packaging. I further took the original design and placed it onto other packaging formats such as energy chews and powder in a tin to show what it would be like if they decided to further expand the Nutravolt Energy brand.
fonts used: Aileron, Wask New, Adobe Caslon Pro
credits: Designed under Weapon Agency
credits: Designed under Weapon Agency